Jack ARPH #14569
Jack needs your help! Jack was found by an ARPH volunteer as he was running along a 6-lane highway in west Texas. He was in poor physical condition with a matted coat. Jack’s sweet personality was evident from day one – he loves everyone he meets – including other dogs and cats.
Thanks to his dedicated foster, it was discovered that he was in a significant amount of pain due to broken teeth and exposed roots, and some teeth that were completely rotted. Jack needs extensive dental surgery to relieve his pain and enable him to regain his health, and these surgery costs are near $6,000. No matter how big or small, your donation will make a difference in Jack’s life.
You can donate by using his personal PayPay button located below. A PayPal account is not needed. Donations can also be mailed. Any donations exceeding Jack’s expenses will be reserved for other ARPH dogs in need.
Please click on the PayPal button to help Jack!